Team Member of Akadyma

Raed Alharbi

Founder of Akadyma

Raed Alharbi received his Bachelor's degree in Engineering (Computer and Information Systems) from Taibah University, Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia, and the Master's degree in Computer and Information Systems from Florida Institue of Technology, Melbourne, the USA from 2014 to 2018. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. My T. Thai at the department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. His research interest is in machine learning and security in online social networks.

My Resume

Dr. Ali Alshahrani

Co-Founder of Akadyma

Ali Alshahrani got his bachelor in computer science from King Khalid University in 2012 and his master in computer science from Bowie State University in 2017. He joined Florida State University in 2018 and graduated in 2021. Now,

He is working as an Assistant Professor at Computer Science Department, University of Bisha Saudi Arabia . His research interests span over general areas of Machine Learning, Deap Learning, Big Data. His current research focuses on the Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on Sentiemnt Analysis, Opinion Mining. He can be reached at

Ahmad Aljohani

Co-Founder of Akadyma

PhD student in computer science - UNT, interested in Software Naturalness and Software Engineering for ML-enabled systems (SE4ML).